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Are you a flour hero? Tell your story!

Are you one of those flour heroes who kept “mining” the white gold for all of us – as a farmer, miller, flour processor, fortifier, packager, technology provider, shipper, distributor, trucker or in any other way?

Then tell us your story!

We want to highlight the various steps in the complex process of flour production, distribution and processing. We want to give names and faces to the people who have managed to satisfy the high demand for flour in the particularly challenging months of the pandemic, and will continue to do so.

Dia_mundial_de_la_Harina_VoBo THE STORY OF GRUPO TRIMEX - https://2021.worldflourday.com/?p=1398 Continue Reading
THE STORY OF SALALAH MILLS CO. S.A.O.G., SALALAH, SULTANATE OF OMAN - Coping with the Covid-19 pandemic. The first case of Covid-19 was reported in Oman on 24th February 2020. These cases involved two Omani citizens returned from Iran. The number of cases started increasing steadily in March 2020. Omani nationals stranded in other countries were airlifted to Oman as the pandemic… Continue Reading
THE NATIONAL MILLING COMPANY OF GUYANA INC. (NAMILCO) THE STORY OF THE NATIONAL MILLING COMPANY OF GUYANA INC. (NAMILCO) - A salute to the proud men and women along the grain-based food supply chain. This year’s celebration is especially dedicated to all the flour heroes who ensured that flour supplies were secure under difficult circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We, at Namilco will join our many loyal customers and… Continue Reading
АО Комбинат хлебопродуктов Старооскольский THE STORY OF STAROOSKOLSKY BAKERY PLANT - [RU]https://2021.worldflourday.com/?p=1604 Continue Reading
THE STORY OF SOUTH AMMAN MILL IN JORDAN - How South Amman Mill met unusual flour demand during the COVID-19 crisis. South Amman Mill was established in 1997 in Jordan and is today the biggest flour mill in the country. The mill has 3 production lines, all outfitted by the Swiss company Bühler AG, with a total milling capacity… Continue Reading
The Story of Monginis in Mumbai India THE STORY OF MONGINIS IN INDIA - Bringing a little smile to the faces of the people working on the frontline of the pandemic in Mumbai. Creating exceptional cakes is our way of life, and our customers and partners are the focus of everything that we do. By acting in the best interest of everyone along our… Continue Reading
Kirov's Mill: Through challenges and difficulties to success THE STORY OF KIROV’S MILL IN RUSSIA - [RU]https://2021.worldflourday.com/2021/04/20/1577/ Continue Reading
Harinera del Valle THE STORY OF HARINERA DEL VALLE - https://2021.worldflourday.com/?p=1403 Continue Reading
THE STORY OF GRUPO MOLINOS MODERNOS THE STORY OF GRUPO MOLINOS MODERNOS - https://2021.worldflourday.com/?p=1394 Continue Reading
THE STORY OF GRUPO J. RAFAEL NÚÑEZ P. - Flour, faith and a working family. Our mill is located in the heart of the island of the Dominican Republic (Cotuí). Founded in 1986 as a rice factory and subsequently a pasta factory and wheat mill, our company has always strived to produce quality products and maintain a work culture… Continue Reading
LA HISTORIA DE GRUPO SIA FOODS - Cuáles han sido sus experiencias y contribuciones como trabajadores de esta industria durante la pandemia? Continue Reading
Today we are celebrating World Flour Day - https://2021.worldflourday.com/2021/03/19/hoy-celebramos-el-dia-mundial-de-la-harina/ Continue Reading
THE STORY OF JEFE MOLINERO DE MOLINO CHABAS SA - Molino Chabás S.A. se encuentra ubicado en la localidad de Chabás, provincia de Santa Fe, en el Centro-Este de la República Argentina.Emplazado en la región núcleo agrícola productiva de la Argentina, afianzanda en el cultivo de cereales y oleaginosas desde el asentamiento de sus primeros pobladores allá por 1882.Molino Chabás… Continue Reading
THE STORY OF CROWN FLOUR MILLS S.A.L. - Crown Flour Mills, more commonly known as CFM, initiated its operations in 1952 as a modest mill capable of milling 40 tons of wheat per day. All original machines were branded "Robinson": The British top-of-the-line equipment at that time. From then and until present, only a few changes occurred. When… Continue Reading
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