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АО Комбинат хлебопродуктов Старооскольский


Development and Innovation

Joint Stock Company “Starooskolsky Bakery Plant” is one of the leaders in the Russian milling industry. Being a member of Stoylenskaya Niva Agricultural Corporation, it is one of the largest processors of agricultural products in the Belgorod Region.

The plant began its business activity in 1988. During these years, the company has accumulated a wide expertise in manufacture of grain mill products and fodder, as well as bakery products. The daily capacity of the mill is 620 ton of grain. AO “Starooskolsky Bakery Plant” markets its varied product range (over 30 items) throughout Russia and exports flour in other countries such as the USA, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia. 

In spite of today’s difficult situation, the plant continues to develop and to expand its portfolio. For example, an innovation called “Pizza Mix” was launched in 2020, and development of a “Vitamin and mineral fortified flour” started in 2021 in line with the UN World Food Programme. The Starooskolsky flour brings good luck in every home!

Joint Stock Company “Starooskolsky Bakery Plant” is a member of the Russian Union of Flour Mills and Cereal Plants, of the Russian Grain Union and of technical committees of the Federal Technical Regulation and Metrology Agency.

The plant is currently increasing its production rate, while particular emphasis is still put on quality. Online monitoring is carried out at each production stage. Release of the products meeting the international requirements is ensured by the quality and safety management system certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 22000. 

The high quality of the company products is honored every year with prestigious awards at competitions and international fairs. The enterprise has been repeatedly awarded an honorary title “The best mill of Russia”.

The technical aspect is also not left behind — the production equipment of the plant is being updated and automatized in a stepwise manner. 

“We celebrate the World Flour Day on March 20 already for the second time”, reports Sergey Kutepov, Executive Director of AO “Starooskolsky Bakery Plant”. “Our employees were greatly inspired by the introduction of a new professional day and we congratulate all the millers of the world on this event!”

The Story of Monginis in Mumbai India


Bringing a little smile to the faces of the people working on the frontline of the pandemic in Mumbai.

Creating exceptional cakes is our way of life, and our customers and partners are the focus of everything that we do. By acting in the best interest of everyone along our value chain, we are able to ensure our company’s sweet success. We use only the finest ingredients for our products, ensuring that the goods we send out into the market are of the utmost quality. With any product, real flavour comes from high quality ingredients, and in baking cakes, flour certainly is one of the central ingredients.

While our production includes a highly-customized, automated system, this does not lessen the importance of the human touch, while still adhering to strict quality control measures at every stage of production, packaging, and delivery. Without our dedicated, skilled, and loyal team members, we would not be where we are today.

Our journey began with one humble shop in Fort, Mumbai in early 1956 and grew to over one thousand locations throughout India under the inspiring vision of our founder, Hussein Khorakiwala. Since then, our family has combined their years of experience with the vision of a community of collaborative shop owners, suppliers and other partners working together to create a brand name in the market and grow their business to what it is today. In order to achieve this, the family offers franchises to budding entrepreneurs & distributors, partnering with them to ensure success and excellence.

The Covid pandemic certainly hit Mumbai as well, and we needed to reorganise our work in shifts to ensure safety for all employees. We also provided food for our employees during the lockdown, along with periodic medical checkups to ensure safety and wellbeing for everyone. One of our additional initiatives was to provide the police with cake. They are the frontline workers working round the clock, whose role has been pivotal in these difficult times. Hence, we wanted to bring a little smile to their faces with this small gesture, which was very well appreciated by them.

Kirov's Mill: Through challenges and difficulties to success


Through challenges and difficulties to success.

Kirov’s Mill is the leading flour milling enterprise in Russia and the largest mill in Europe. Today the company produces more than 40 types of special-purpose flours, as well as semolina, grist, bran and flaked grain. The mill can process up to 1,650 tons of grain per day.

Looking back on the year 2020, it can be said that it was one of the most difficult and unpredictable for almost all industries, including ours. But it’s not the first time Kirov’s Mill has faced and successfully mastered serious difficulties.

The company was built in 1939 and faced a tough challenge three years later during the 900 day blockade. The mill workers defended their city and its people. They continued their vital and honorable work. Some workers starved to death, even though they had access to wheat and flour. 

In January 1942, when the granaries in the city were completely empty, the mill was idle, but still in use. Due to its advantageous location it was used as fire boundary for the city and a shield protecting the inhabitants in the adjacent areas.

On 13 July 1945, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Leningrad Kirov’s Mill was awarded the Order of Lenin.

For 80 years we have focused on the production of high-quality products tailored to customer-specific requirements. This allowed Kirov’s Mill to stay a leader in the milling industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is probably not a single company which has not been affected by this pandemic and the associated restrictions. In addition, the milling industry faced an even tougher situation due to the uncontrolled rise in grain prices because of record high exports. Between January and December 2020 prices rose by 30% for 3rd and 4th grade wheat, leading to an increase in the price of flour.

Against this backdrop, we noted a downward trend in the domestic market in demand for the short shelf life pastry goods in HoReCa, wholesale and distribution. Even more problematic was the export situation. Due to the pandemic, deliveries to importing countries were restricted – ports were closed and border traffic was blocked, and from March to September 2020 a strict import ban for flour was imposed.

We had to adapt to this situation, and worked to reduce costs, boost our technological flexibility and extend the product range, always taking the pulse of our customers.

Over the past year, fermented flour, fortified flour, affordable flour (for people with low incomes), and health and lifestyle products like whole meal and whole grain flour were launched.

We have formed a business development strategy for the domestic and export markets. It comprises the extension of the list of countries and regions to cooperate with, marketing new special flours, making long-term contracts with existing customers and searching for new customers.

A time of crisis is a time of opportunities, and it is important to leverage them.

Our advantages today:

  • Russian market leader, with flour export to more than 20 countries.
  • The production is compliant with the International Food Safety Standard FSSC 22000.
  • Own technology competence & training centre with 10 years of experience in bakery & confectionary.
  • Guaranteed stable quality of tailor-made products.

The Timur movement

Kirov’s Mill doesn’t just produce socially significant products, but is also socially committed. The Kirov’s Mill team supports the Timur movement. Through this unique movement, employees support the disadvantaged citizens of Saint Petersburg in many important matters, like renovating apartments of low-income families, housecleaning for single seniors, veterans and other vulnerable groups. Thus, members take matters into their own hands and help those in need.



Our Mill is located in Colombia, and with the biosecurity protocols implemented, as well as self-care, and a sense of belonging, we were able to remain in operation 24/7 during the most critical period of the Covid-19 pandemic. The year 2020 had its peculiarities, it was difficult to plan and schedule production, work teams and make a perfect dispatch. It became an extraordinary time for learning and a great experience to continue operating in a highly complex situation, to see our flour flow through the production process to its packaging to meet the needs of our customers.

Our company forms part of the Nutresa Business Group in Colombia, which, in 1980, acquired a mill in the city of Santa Marta, which, according to history, began to operate in 1923. A mill with very striking architecture, with its beautiful white walls, floors, windows and doors of thick wood, which always shone and stood out for their impeccable cleanliness; a mill where a super white flour is processed, which at one time was called La Samaria.

Our Mill in Santa Marta was located in the centre of the city, on the Avda. del Ferrocarril avenue, with 3 milling units, 2 Ocrim units and one Bühler unit. In 2010, it moved to the Bureche Zone, leaving only one Bühler 300-tn milling unit, which produces biscuit and pasta flour for the Nutresa Group companies.

Photo: Molinos Santa Marta in the city of Santa Marta – Colombia

In 1995, Molinos Santa Marta acquired a mill located in the city of Buga, which began operating in 1980 with one Ocrim milling unit. This Mill produced flour for bakery and domestic use. In 2008, it expanded its capacity with another Ocrim milling unit with capacity to produce 360 tons/day, which would be increased, in 2016, to 460 tons/day; always with the focus on meeting the flour needs of the Nutresa Business Group.

Photo: Eng. Claudia María Díaz Chaustre Director of Plantas Molinos Santa Marta S.A.S. 

For Molino Santa Marta the most important thing is its People and Quality. Our customers and our brand “EL TRIGAL” make us feel proud of our flour; our values, Passion, Achievement and Integrity, always invite us to do things with love, looking for self-development and belief in ourselves.

Covid-19 opened the door to a new decade where we are challenged to continue producing the best flour in the country, with innovation, improving our processes to be world class and allowing us to continue building the history of our Mill.



Molino Chabás S.A. se encuentra ubicado en la localidad de Chabás, provincia de Santa Fe, en el Centro-Este de la República Argentina.
Emplazado en la región núcleo agrícola productiva de la Argentina, afianzanda en el cultivo de cereales y oleaginosas desde el asentamiento de sus primeros pobladores allá por 1882.
Molino Chabás SA, es una empresa familiar, que persigue como objetivo, brindar el mejor servicio a sus clientes, mediante la incorporación de tecnología, innovación y calidad en sus productos.
Durante el transcurso de la Pandemia de COVID-19 nuestra empresa no se detuvo en ningún momento proveyendo el oro blanco para la población.




Crown Flour Mills, more commonly known as CFM, initiated its operations in 1952 as a modest mill capable of milling 40 tons of wheat per day. All original machines were branded “Robinson”: The British top-of-the-line equipment at that time. From then and until present, only a few changes occurred. When the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990) hit, it was a miracle that the mill survived. In 1991, and after 25 years of government wheat import controls, flour subsidies, and direct bread controls, the Lebanese Government liberalized the imports of wheat and allowed the private mills to operate freely on the Lebanese Market. Since then, Lebanon’s Milling Industry went through a major restructuring and reinvestment period, which lead to an increase of the number of mills operating in Lebanon. Today, the total mills count reaches twelve. It was at that time when the great march of Crown Flour Mills started into modernization, automation, quality control, sanitation, and ISO Certifications and many other fields that contributed to the current standing of CFM. Since 1992, CFM has invested carefully and judiciously in new machinery, extension building, a new silos storage for wheat storage and continuous employee training.

Today, CFM consists of 3 production lines, equipped by the well-known Giants Buhler and Sangati. It currently owns a production capacity of 430 tons of flour per day. CFM provides its customers constantly with daily fresh flour.

CFM’s first agony started with the devaluation of the Lebanese currency in October 2019 and then the Corona Virus Pandemic hit the entire world in February 2020. From thereon, its fight with time began. The Lebanese government started implementing rules and regulation to decrease the impact of the virus spread. As an act of responsibility, CFM was the first to abide by those rules in order to protect its employees and their families. However, as the situation got worse, the medical field got overwhelmed and exhausted, leading to more restrictions applied across the country. Due to CFM’s dedication, the flour consumer was never affected, and it kept on supplying all its customers the required amounts of high-end flour.

August 4, 2020 was a terrible day to all of Lebanon. An explosion happened at the Port of Beirut which was ranked 3rd largest in the world. Unfortunately, and besides devastating most of Beirut and its surrounding areas, the explosion severely destroyed the wheat silos located at the Port. The biggest fear that raced through people’s mind was hunger, as flour is the main ingredient to everything. Desperation overtook people. With the tough effect that Covid-19 left on the economy, with the exhaustion of the medical field due to the virus, and with the financial instability in the country, hope was no longer present. Normally, any business would take the decision to shut down. Crown Flour Mills, however, did not give up, even after the big blast that affected it the most. CFM moved forward and kept its head high by renting new silos and brought in new wheat vessels in order to make sure that the Lebanese population had enough flour to cover all demands. The Emergency team at CFM made sure that all necessary procedures were taken in order to make everything happen on time, to avoid any shortage or hunger strikes across the country. It is with an initiative like this that CFM was able to proudly stand next to the Lebanese population after everyone witnessed a huge loss to the country, its capital.

Today, Crown Flour Mills describes itself as a motivated and driven organization that promises the end consumer the best wheat quality it can offer no matter the circumstances. Economic instability, financial problems, pandemics, and even nuclear bombs will never stand in the way of CFM doing what it does best: Feed the nation healthy, nutritious, and great tasting flour since 1952.


Today we are celebrating World Flour Day

Reinvention, commitment and talent, key elements in the pandemic.

CMI, through its business, Molinos Modernos, is one of the most important milling groups in Latin America engaged in the production and marketing of industrial wheat and corn flour. 

Our mills have the most cutting-edge technology worldwide, which allows us to develop our product portfolio with high control and quality standards. 

We build strategic relationships with our customers, offer comprehensive cereal solutions, and invest in customer service, consultancy and training platforms in the field of bakery and confectionery. 

Today, the 20th of March, we are celebrating the World Flour Day, thanks to a highly committed team of CMI collaborators who, day after day, set an example of excellence and responsibility to ensure that the production and delivery of flour supplies and, above all, meets the most demanding needs of our customers, buyers and consumers. 

Our people’s effort and focus in 2020 make us feel very proud of what we have achieved in the face of adversity. In short, reinvention has been our key, we continue to work with that passion to feed your world and fill it with well-being.

Molinos Modernos belongs to CMI, a multi-Latin family corporation, with 100 years’ creating stories, which generates economic, social and environmental value in the communities where it operates, offering excellence and quality in its products, services and projects. It is made up of more than 40,000 collaborators, with a presence in more than 15 countries, many of them located in Latin America and the United States.

Learn more about us at: https://www.cmi.co

Harinera del Valle


A great company that grew thanks to wheat flour.

Harinera del Valle is a company that believes in Colombia and that has worked for its well-being and nutrition for over 66 years. It has an established portfolio of products that are part of the life of Colombian families, accompanying them in their daily diet: Haz de Oros wheat flour, La Muñeca and Conzazoni Pasta, Doñarepa precooked corn flour, Canola Life and Premier oils, among others, which are quality benchmarks in the national market. Our products are today in 9 out of 10 Colombian homes.

Producing wheat flour means for the company well-being and life, because this is the essential raw material behind the development of our broad portfolio of food products. Our flagship brand Haz de Oros, won the hearts of Colombian bakers and families as a leading brand for the preparation of tasty bakery products, as well as for recipes that have been enjoyed generation after generation in Colombian homes.

Harinera del Valle Silos Dagua

Under the Haz de Oros brand, we have developed a portfolio for the bakery industry with specialized wheat flours for the best performance and productivity in the production of foodstuff: multipurpose flours, frozen food, cakes and pancakes, puff pastry and cookies, and whole wheat flour. Likewise, we have a portfolio to cook and enjoy at home, such as tortillas, pancakes and premixes for cakes, brownies, cookies and cupcakes, among others.

In order to face the feats and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Harinera del Valle has demonstrated its ability to overcome adverse conditions. With great responsibility, we have given gave priority to our employees’ health, implementing the strictest biosafety measures, permanently promoting self-care and strengthening the bonds of trust and safety with our customers, clients and consumers. Therefore, thanks to the work of more than 1,400 employees, Harinera del Valle has not stopped supplying its products to homes and national industries, committing ourselves to the reactivation and development of Colombia.



Dedication, empathy, skills and creativity.

At Grupo Trimex we want to highlight the dedication, empathy, skills and creativity of #flourheroes during the past year.

From farmers keeping wheat at its best, to our milling crew and everyone in our team making sure the operation kept going throughout adversity, to our suppliers meeting demands, to our trucker partners reaching all corners of the country and to our clients transforming our flour into their products.


This #WorldFlourDay we highlight the joint effort to make sure Mexicans are able to have flour and flour products at their table in challenging times during the pandemic.

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